About Letters from Grenoble

     In this era of e-mails and cell phones, I think letter writing is in danger of 

becoming a dying art. I believe in the old-fashioned concept of putting pen to 

paper, not only to practice one's penmanship but also to invest some personal 

time connecting with someone else. Unfortunately, it's not the most expedient 

form of communication nowadays. While living now in the French Alps and 

within a city that was instrumental in the launching of the French Revolution, I 

am giving the romantic nature within me permission to express itself when 

possible. At this time, I must be content to do that electronically. I hope that my

Letters from Grenoble will provide a glimpse into my experiences in France and

give me an opportunity to explore the as yet undiscovered aspects of myself in

this culture. This is the "new page" to our French experiences that started with 

my first blog, A Year in Grenoble. Thank you for joining me on this adventure. 

My aim is to make it worth your reading.

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